GLITCH ART BLOG 04/2003 BLOG 06/2003

BLOG 05/2003

29 MAY
Off to Helsinki-land today. Fear my Finnish.

27 MAY
My primary IDE controller has an exclamation mark by it.
Methinks my C: drive is on the way out.
So if updates to the blog stop suddenly, you'll know why.

Better back-up everything right now.

24 MAY
Salon_Magazine ver 3.0 - Soni-Glitch - is available on-line (if not immediately now
then quite soon) at
[Thanks to Shusaku from Salon_Magazine for the info.]

Haven't supplied you with a freshly wrapped picture for a few days.
This one probably isn't really glitch; no prize to the first peson
who can correctly guess how I made it.


22 MAY
This is a red letter day! After months of threatening to do
some screenprinting, I have actually done it! Two t-shirts are now
emblazoned with beflix logos and some dead good glitch art in silver
on a black background! Right, I'm off down the pub now wearing one of 
my creations...hope I don't spill beer down it.

Ooh, synchronicity - just a week or so after I added my tongue-in-cheek SURVIVAL
page, about survival of computer programming languages, I see that Ed (1/3 Suppose) 
was forwarded this on Tracing the roots of computer languages through the ages:
The Programming family tree visualised.

21 MAY
Flippando! Been making some progress at last with the old screenprinting.
Haven't actually done a print yet, but this is the sequence of events so far:
1. Got professionally stretched frames (after my efforts to build and
stretch my own screen, which resulted in the mesh having about as much
tension as a bouncy castle.)
2. Got a proper squeegee and coating trough (after my efforts to build these
implements from bits of wood, which never managed to get completely straight edges).
3. Got some photoemulsion (after realising that paper stencils are crap). 
Folex Dc200, if you must know - wide exposure latitude, + good for water-based inks.
4. Got some photocopier-grade clear acetates.
5. Went to print bureau with professional quality photocopiers and my
acetates (ooh, they took some persuading to use them!) and printed 4 copies.
Why 4, you ask? Well, it's because the photocopier gets hotter with each copy,
and it stretches the acetates by slightly different amounts, so with 4, you
end up with two identical ones. These are then taped together to form a very
UV-opaque image.
6. Got some 6mm sheet glass to hold the acetate film firmly onto the emulsion.
7. Bought hairdryer.
8. Mixed sensitizer into emulsion under low-light conditions (LLC).
9. Waited for gas bubbles to rise to surface.
10. Coated screen using coating trough. (LLC)
11. Dried screen with heat using hairdryer. (LLC)
12. Placed film on screen, with glass on top and dark material underneath.
13. Plonked the whole lot on a table outside to expose naturally, by the
gift of sunlight! It was actually very overcast, but it only took 4 minutes.
And no, I didn't use a light integrator; I waited for the photoemulsion to
turn from brown to purple.
14. Washed out screen, gently at first, on the back, then the front,
thus revealing the stencil! (LLC)
15. Exposed whole screen again for 10 minutes (without film) to harden stencil.
16. Washed out screen again to make sure no cross-linking of remaining 
photopolymers occurs during printing.

The result: No pin-holes or anything bad. Pixel perfection!

Tomorrow's task is to actually do some printing. By gum, we'll have
the coolest t-shirts in town before you know it.

(+ Thanks to Emrys and DaN for tips and stuff!)

20 MAY
Coolo...SALON_MAGAZINE ver. 3.0 is out now
in all good, er, Japanese bookshops, entitled Soni-Glitch. Shusaku there asked me for
my first (and only) interview, ooh, about 5 months ago, and now by God they've published
it! 120pages + DVD-ROM (+ floppy diskette for Apple Lisa users).

17 MAY
Finnish is so cool.
"Goodbye" is pronounced "Knacker me in" without the gaps between the words.
And there's no word for "please". I like it!

15 MAY
Wallow in the VOR-FOAM...tell me what you feel...

I've been doing some image acquisiton for the Helsinki-winki visuals, but
my stalwort, the local Salvation Army shoppe, has not come up with
the goods this time. Only some pictures of white-toothed octagenerian
American joggers with a Christian-blue sky. I will scan them and kill them.

S C A N _ A N D _ K I L L

This site gets monitored hourly by the FBI. Don't linger
for long or they'll follow the gamelink cable back to your Pokémon Gold.
When you feel the cable tugging, make a note of the High Score,
take out the batteries and RUN!


10 MAY
An updated cookie index, only weeks after a FORMAT C: treatment.
Don't normally do this, but here are two colour mappings.

1972 computer pre-formatted brown hessian office
form (in triplicate) to be filled in with the chemically-irritated
pink skin of a human automaton from too much photocopier toner exposure.


This one's an old Hitchcock movie.
The yellows all come out a bit canary. It's sunny and optimistic looking,
but too sunny really so you know something's evil and you can't
get a proper perspective and the skyscraper windows swim in and out.


06 MAY
I'm working on a TV documentary for BBC1:
Ternary - The Forgotten Base


GLITCH ART BLOG 04/2003 BLOG 06/2003