GLITCH ART BLOG 09/2001 BLOG 11/2001
BLOG 10/2001
Thought I'd do another little looped film - these are great fun! I got Mappy
to do something interesting by executing the setup.cfg file. Instead of using the movie
capture feature, I used [SHIFT]+[F7] to scroll through each screen-redraw frame,
and copied each screenshot to the clipboard, then into Photoshop, one at a time.
This makes for smoother animation, because you're guaranteed not to miss any
frames due to the computer being too slow.
As usual, click image for full-screen Kopf-ficken version!
To celebrate getting listed in the notoriously fickle Yahoo! directory
(you'll find the site listed here), I've done something a bit different today.
It's a little animation [26K] of a GameBoy Advance emulator executing itself!
The emulator is Mappy, which regular readers will know I've used several times
already as a source of glitches. Instead of loading a proper binary file,
I decided to load the actual emulator executable, mappy.exe, and see what happened.
Well, some smoke came out my computer, but it also produced this really nice animation.
(Mappy has a built-in movie capture feature - smart!) So, this is a «recursive glitch»!
But the really spooky thing is that I couldn't get anything interesting at all to happen
when I loaded different exectables and other types of file.
Click the image to get a mind-altering full-screen version. It's the same actual file,
but simply rendered with WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% HTML tags. I hope your
browser can cope with that.
I could tell you how I got this glitch pic, but then I'd have to hoover
your brains out. Let's just say it's yet another region of juicy RAM from
my trusty PC. It's an exercise for the reader to determine the starting address.
IE 5.00.2014.0216 layer glitch/bug. (Artificially aged.) It's perfectly normal
to have an emotional response when viewing this image. If concerned,
please consult your family doctor.
98304 pixels lovingly hand-crafted for your visual organism.
At long last, as promised a couple of months ago, I have the
Dragon32 PMODE4 uninitialised high-resolution graphics memory
reproduced bit-for-bit. Follow the PMODE4 link.
More adventures in RAM, Part I.
It's just struck me that this would make the world's best testcard image!
Here in the UK between TV programmes we had a testcard picture of a
girl and humpty-dumpty in front of a blackboard with noughts and crosses.
The actual test patterns, consisting of closely-spaced lines in various hues,
were arranged around the edge of the screen, and have more than a passing
resemblence to the vertical lines in the image below.
More adventures in RAM, Part II.
The blue in this is like the morning sky at 4am in the summer,
and the bright speckly lines are the rows of streetlights flickering
and shining off the river. I can exactly remember this scene from 1992
when I was a student - I'd been up all night, and was staring over at
the lights on the other side of the river.
Cor, I've actually managed to write a simple app in Visual C++
to splat pretty coloured pixels in a window. It's actually much
simpler than I thought it would be! This is the magic line...
pDC -> FillSolidRect(i*WIDTH, j*HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, *p++);
Anyway, now I can hunt around my computer's RAM much faster
to find interesting areas to render visually. This one was
obtained starting at location p = (long*)0x00010000; it shows a
bit of RAM being used by Visual C++ itself - and that's the name of
my project - makepixel! I decided to desaturate the image mainly
to keep the file size down. OK, it's a slightly whimsical image
whilst I'm having fun with my new toy, but so what?!
This retro-styleee piece of glitch eye-candy was quite simple to make -
it's just a piece of memory viewed in ASCII mode within Visual C++.
It contains mostly text error strings - can you spot 'press CTRL+ALT+DEL' :-)
I took a screenshot of the memory window and reduced the size with
bilinear interpolation, which, after increasing the contrast levels,
produces the funky variation in brightness of the rows of dots you see.
It reminds me of the computer screenshots in the really fantastic film
'Scanners' (1980 -ish?) ... anyone else seen it? Your channels of
communication are the email address at bottom of the page, and the INPUT$ link!
Neue heute - NORGRAD2001, unter die braune Blocks.
Feeling quite depressed after watching Gas Attack on Channel 4
about a fictional anthrax attack on refugees in a Scottish town.
Very powerful and disturbing.
This image sums up my mood at the moment. Plain and bleak. The
raw material was a tetris clone for Gameboy Advance. It's from
a screenshot of the VRAM viewer in Mode 4 (240x180 8-bit indexed).
I'm really tempted to start calling these BLOGs (weB LOGs) WLOGs (Web LOGs)
because it's more logical, and also an unfunny pun if you like reading mathematics
textbooks (WLOG = Without Loss Of Generality). Let me know on the INPUT$ page
if you support this point of view. Jesus Christ, it's the Internet (oooh!) so it's
supposed to be *interactive*, you lazy bunch of good-for-nothing surfers!
I suppose I'd better feed your insatiable appetite for gorgeous glitch art with
some new stuff. This is the real deal. 100% pure glitch dope - cut RAM.
Flat-hunting update: Time-wasting vendor drops out, flat no longer for sale. Fab!
Mucking around with the timing of NESticle can produce some
nice FX. This one looks kinda Japanese-y...funny characters
enscribed in blood!
PS://I'm very stressed-out by this house-buying torture!
GLITCH ART BLOG 09/2001 BLOG 11/2001