GLITCH ART BLOG 03/2002 BLOG 05/2002

BLOG 04/2002

A Spring clearout of my computer revealed this old Sinclair ZX Spectrum
glitch screenshot. It's an appropriate image because I'm into
dot-matrix printers right now! I tried the second-hand shops today
but couldn't find one. But I'm sure there must be plenty knocking about still.
Of course, today's image is dot-matrix-esque.

I also want to get a couple of beat-up old bubblejets cheaply, because I
want to experiment with making them squirt out paint instead of ink.

It's not going to be easy crossing the digital-analogue barrier.
I wish I could plug a USB cable into your optic nerve.

glitch type: EMU/SPECTRUM title: SARP

A comedy pause; I've added the SURVEILLANCE link (magenta blocks).

 + Thanks to everyone who came along for moral support on Thursday!
It was suggested I take some screenshots from the software -
which only crashed once - anyone notice?:) - but unfortunately due to my,
er, patent-pending technique of flipping between two images at 23.7Hz
(did anyone actually have an epilectic fit? disappointing if not),
a screenshot won't really work. Quelle dommage.

This is a representation of MATLAB.EXE code bytes, each frame
containing the same data but cut differently (see BLOG entry 07 APRIL).
The vertical strip down the middle reminds me of my many encounters
with flying saucers!

If any UK-dwellers viewing this site like these glitch art things, why not
come down to the next SPRAWL event at Global Cafe near Soho, London next Thursday
- there are going to be some glitch video excerpts, and I'll also be doing some 
live glitch visuals that'll probably induce epileptic fits in
anyone who's the least bit susceptible :)  There are also some very big names
in ambient/glitch/weird music including Kim Cascone!
Click the link in the yellow block on this page for more info (but NB.
their website isn't totally up-to-date).

glitch type: EXE title: HALEID

Sift incoming written data, like TELEXs. 
Your typewriter ribbon needs replacing.
The Tipp-Ex is making the VDU messy.
The photostat is a serious piece of office equipment.

glitch type: EMU/PET title: QESGUED

The problem is this: in transferring numerical data from some source
to a representation on a 2-dimensional surface, where do you make the cuts?
Each frame of this animation contains the same data (my Windows registry file), but
cut differently, ie. the "carriage-returns" occur at different frequencies.

Not long to go before my big VJ flop, er, success. I was checking out VJing
tips and tricks on some website, seeing as it's all new to me, and came
across a right load of crap. One tip was: Always make the images change at
least as fast as the beat of the music, so the images 'catch' the beats.
Bollox! If I want some nice static image for the audience to appreciate in quiet
rapture for half-an-hour or so, then by gum, that's what I'm gonna do!
The audience aren't a bunch of rudimentary life-forms who need a constant
drip-feed of flickering lights in their retinas in order to remain conscious.
You'll notice how, despite knowing nothing about VJing, I can still
hold quite strong (and, no doubt, wrong) opinions on the subject :)

glitch type: FILE title: CVESSECV

Determinism is the new chaos, and is well suited for the modern
practitioner of PROjected BInary Reproducible EXperiences (PROBIREX).

glitch type: EMU/RASTER title: CORLJJN

GLITCH ART BLOG 03/2002 BLOG 05/2002