GLITCH ART V3 2004 V1 2005
For the first time on the site, this quarter's pictures 
were photographic prints, which have all sold out.

VIERTEL 4 2004

You will need 9 seconds of blank Betamax to record this databurst.
Each second's worth of data is transmitted in a separate sector.
Be warned that the transmission may end with a string of zeros (0)
in order to fill the last sector up to its boundary.


Took screenprinting course; nice results but too anti-spontaneous for glitch mindset.
Did a few VJ sets in scary London with NewBleep crew. I was very good and drank only

water before my turn, so the timing was crisp and the punters were saved from wrong pixels
and overzealous colours. First exhibition of digital prints as part of Machinista; 

thanking-you for the invite. Rather belatedly I asked permission from the inventor of 
the BEFLIX movie language whether it was cool for me to use that name for my site. 

Very kindly he agreed. Who am I talking about? Click the orange BEFLIX link on the home page.
We are above board and fully legal! Did a few more interviews for online projects and 

arts students' theses; getting the hang of lying quite convincingly now. Took photographic 
printmaking course; loved every minute of it, added "digital" modifications and sold out; 

well done to everyone who got in early to buy one! Got absolutely slated on slashdot, 
which apparently is some very popular online forum for "nerds" or "geeks" or whatever 

they like to be called. All good art generates controversy. A friend told me that to cheer 
me up. It worked. Thus I win. Website has been rather neglected, but this is natural 

because I've kinda moved away from online digital pics towards physical prints with analogue 
processes involved. These will be for consumption in exchange for debt, so I'll of course be 

posting up photographs of the prints. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


Fröliche Weinachtsbaum!

This is a from memory re-constituted image of a
t-shirt I saw in Japan recently.
Your rank in society is determined by how many of the rare
dark blue mouse-helpers you have. This one has 4, and was
being worn by a young Nintendo slave. He does all the high score 
table code with enough happy pixels to please his bosses and 
so make enough US dollar feed his ageing parents who live downstairs
and scare off any potential Western girlfriends.


column 1 row 1
column 1 row 2
column 1 row 3
column 1 row 4
column 1 row 5
column 1 row 6
column 1 row 7
column 1 row 8
column 1 row 9
olumn 1 row 10

See how easily things can go wrong.

Well, I think we're pretty much sold out of that edition of prints.
A few remain, but it's not a wide choice. More will definitely be
produced, but it now seems unlikely I'll have the time available
before the end of the year.

Found two more prints that had fallen down the back of the garbage
compactifier. I've given them a wipe-down and taken photos of the photos.

BX 127:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Semi-gloss film.
Bright white mad bits in the middle where the large-format
negatives overlap.

BX 127

BX 126:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Semi-gloss film.
Dense layered composition.

BX 126

I'll sort out a better interface for photo sales later today.
This will have to do for now..

BX102 S 
BX111 R 
BX114 R
BX122 S 
BX124 S

R = reserved (more than one reservation is possible)
S = sold

Lo-tech, way to go. It's all done by forlorn robots really.

Alternative-photographic prints. Lots to choose from, but only one of each!

BX 106:
Actual size (cm) approx: 12.5 x 8
Semi-glossy, very striking!

BX 106

BX 107:
Actual size (cm) approx: 19.5 x 13.5
Moire pattern on velvet film, which has a slight sheen and is
nice to touch!

BX 107

BX 108:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 9

BX 108

BX 109:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Semi-gloss. Composition from live visuals used in various events
around London last year, in which audio is converted to binary
patterns and falls like snow down the screen.

BX 109

BX 110:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Gloss. Composition of Welsh coastline and data-visualization.
Bleached-out in the horizon, quite a stark image. The photo
shown has a reflection which isn't part of the print.

BX 110

BX 111:
Actual size (cm) approx: 15 x 16 (outer dimensions)
This one's a bit nuts! It's hand-coated on lovely thick
matt paper. The image is from my recent visuals set with
Florian Hecker. The print itself is very grainy and a bit
blurred, with some white lines which I don't know how they
got there. Really incompetant print-making!! But I just love
it anyway, very atmospheric.

BX 111

BX 112:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Similar to BX 109. Semi-gloss film. It's
actually totally black-and white, not grey
like this photo shows.

BX 112

BX 113:
Actual size (cm) approx: 15 x 18
This is similar to BX 107, but lighter, with nice pale greys.
Again, it's on velevt film, which is very substantial.

BX 113

BX 114:
Actual size (cm) approx: 16.5 x 17.5
Hand-coated matt art paper. The brush marks from the coating process
are visible. Composition of glitch and electron scans of metal. Very
gritty, grainy print.

BX 114

BX 115:
Actual size (cm) approx: 11 x 15.5
Hand-coated matt paper with a subtle green/blue colour. Moire print,
and hand-coloured highlight in blue pencil.

BX 115

BX 116:
Actual size (cm) approx: 12.5 x 10.5
Hand-coated matt paper. Shockinging bad print, errors all over
the place! But looks great anyway, especially with my hand-coloured
yellow bits!

BX 116

BX 117:
Actual size (cm) approx: 19 x 15.5
Delicate textured paper, hand-coated with a brush - brush marks
are clearly visible. Composition of glitch and Rhossili Bay, with
hand-coloured glitchy bits in orange and yellow pencil. Slight tear
at top sustained during developing process. 

BX 117

BX 118:
Actual size (cm) approx: 12 x 14
Hand-coated, greenish matt paper. Same composition as BX 114.

BX 118

BX 119:
Actual size (cm) approx: 5.5 x 12.5
Cute little hand-coated bookmark-sized glitch. Hand-coloured yellow

BX 119

BX 122:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Semi-matt paper with hand-coloured highlight in yellow pencil.
This image, in inkjet form, was exhibited in Machinista 2004.

BX 122

BX 123:
Actual size (cm) approx: 12.5 x 15
Semi-matt film. A very cold, stark image based on rock formations
in Wales. The processing comes from my custom live visuals software.

BX 123

BX 124:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Semi-matt glitch + nature composition. Hand-coloured glitch section
and green tint to the sea (which doesn't show up well in this image). 

BX 124

BX 125:
Actual size (cm) approx: 17.5 x 12.5
Similar composition to BX 112 and BX 109. Semi-matt film.

BX 125



Currently eschewing digital pics. More into
retro++ traditional photo print-making. Of course, using the
glitch as killer ingredient. 

----------- clean clinical lines neon colorizations
+++++++++++ scratchy matt analog outputs

scan for bad neurons
pre-allocate beliefs
buffer up ideas
finalise thoughts



Stay alert.


Latest images from last night's New Bleep 8.

The George Tavern, 373 Commercial Rd, London E1
9pm to 4am
entry: 6 monetary units

Incidentally, I've been working trés fort on 
new human/machine analogue-format prints in highly limited editions
(like, one of each). They might be available for sale in time for the 
winter festival of your choice, but given my track record, probably not.
GLITCH ART V3 2004 V1 2005