The Computer in Art by Jasia Reichardt

Title: The Computer In Art
Author: Jasia Reichardt
Format: Book (hardback)
Published: 1971

Jasia Reichardt was director of ICA (Institute for Contemporary Arts), London.

This book is totally amazing but obviously out of print now. I want to share some of the beautiful early computer art in the book with you.

The cover illustration is based on a still from a computer-generated film by Stan Vanderbeek, programmed with the BEFLIX mosaic system.

Screenshots from the BEFLIX animation system, by Stan Vanderbeek.

"Rectangular Hatchings" (1965) by Frieder Nake.

The random elements include: total number of rectangles, position of rectangles, size of rectangles, direction of lines and selection of drawing pen. I love this piece. The hatchings look like X-rays of microchips.

Leon D. Harmon and Kenneth C. Knowlton (1966). Based on a photgraph of a nude.