GLITCH ART BLOG 08/2001 BLOG 10/2001

BLOG 09/2001

Oh my God! Just put in an offer on a really great little flat
with lime green painted walls! I hope I get it. I hope I get it.
I hope I get it!!! I'm going potty and hyper-hyper just thinking
about it all the time! Must calm down, deep breaths.....
When I get it (think positive) you're all invited around for
a mad Glitch Party!!!
Today's picture comes from Exile on the BBC B emulator. If you
checked the website earlier today you would have seen a different
image, but I didn't like it so much after looking with a fresh pair of eyes.
This version is much better! If you stare at the top and bottom parts
long enough, you can just about convince yourself that it looks like
some text has got mangled by the crash.

My computer can't handle web pages that have little flying bits of
Java eye-candy that follow your mouse pointer. Too clever by half. And
then they start leaving glitchy trails all over the screen so you can't
even see the page properly. I took a surveillance photo ("exhibit alpha")
catching an offending web page red-handed.


Really packing in the images this month...two more BBC emulator-induced
glitches. You might think the first one's a bit rubbish, but I wanted to give
it a sort of old-fashioned yukky brown colour and make the glitch almost
imperceptible, as if it's a printout from years ago that's faded. 

I chose some of my favourite colours for this one - a sort of metallic blue
background and radioactive orange bits, but not full-on saturated orange,
more of a dirty dangerous orange. Also, I can't help but notice that the 
Bravo cable channel uses similar colours for its corporate identity...the THIEVES!

Following a top-secret tip-off from one of my sources, I've been
investigating NESticle NES emultor v.0.42 for Win95. Look what happened
when I loaded Galaxians and flipped the "mirroring bit", whatever that is.
Stay tuned for more NES glitches.
(PS. Yay! 1024 hits to this mess of a website! 
So that's 1024 visitors who'll never come back here in a zillion years.)

Done an ASCII remix of the website. I came really close to putting a 
summary of what glitch art is about at the top of the page, but thought
better of it, thank god. Looking through this month's BLOG entries
I see I've added quite a lot of links in the brown blocks. There's
also a strong temptation to make the site all polished and slick,
but I think it's more distinctive like this - a bit like the early
websites circa 1993! Yeah, retro maaaannn! Right then madam, 
down to business - some new glitch art for your delight. Nothing fancy about
this - just a raw screenshot from a chess game on my BBC B emu.
Author: D. Thompson, 1984.  It was actually quite hard to get - I had to press
[Ctrl] and [1] at the same time, then hit the [Print Screen] button
really fast. Took about 40 attempts, but nothing is too much trouble
for the visitors to my site! Anyway, it's a pretty smart image.

Added INPUT$ link. This is where your input string goes, gentle visitor.
Everybody has an input string. Some strings are longer than others,
but never more than 80 chars. If you've temporarily mislaid your
input string, I'll lend you one of mine which I keep for such

I've been addicted to playing chess on a BBC Model B emulator
all week! Bloody amazing, which is more than can be said for
my chess acumen. And Chucky Egg!!! But it gets way too scary
when the big fat duck-type-thing escapes from the cage.
Anyway, the cool thing about these old-fashioned progs is that
they're quite shonky and I caught this glitch when a game was
loaded. I tweaked the colours, as usual, and I've decided
that it now represents a stripe of digital toothpaste
with a fresh minty-aqua taste. Very refreshing.

Added Psycho title screenshots as created by Saul Bass.
Follow the PSYCHO link from the brown blocks.

Added VISUELL86 link to the main menu blocks. Some nice images
from a book I got in a second-hand market in Berlin.
Form+Zweck means Form+Function, by the way.

And now a little appeal: Can someone write me a little C or C++
program which can convert a bunch of numbers (from, say, a file
or segment of RAM or an EPROM) into a bunch of coloured pixels in a window?
Email addr:

Had a cool time in Berlin. I feel inspired by the architecture -
wonderful straight clean lines! 
This picture is a bit of RAM from my PC. I used Visual C++'s debugger
to put the data values into a text file, and then wrote a little MATLAB
script to convert the data into a picture matrix. Then a bit of hand-tweaking
in Photoshop, because this is Glitch *Art*, remember. It actually has to look
good too! My motivation for highlighting the yellow bits was to make it look
like a skyscraper at night. The flat areas on either side are a bit like
vertical clouds. Haven't you ever seen vertical clouds?

GLITCH ART BLOG 08/2001 BLOG 10/2001